Morality is the curse of the weak, the fire that incinerates the flesh. I strive to snuff that flame. Call me a monster, but I am simply a man who escaped incineration and embraced the infinite!
Phase 2: Incineration is the second phase of the Toybox in Project: Playtime. It was released on May 31, 2023, alongside the Destroy-a-Toy map, a remastered Lobby, and two new puzzles that can appear on the Puzzle Pillars.
Increased diversity of items earned from the ToyBox with the inclusion of Sound Packs, Loading Screens, and Dances. Additionally, players will now be able to earn PlayCoins by completing select ToyBox levels.
Phase 2 Cosmetics
Over 75 new items available for purchase in the store throughout Phase 2
Four New Item Bundles
CRT Bundke
Pirate Bundle
Steampunk Bundle
Reject Toy Bundle
Updated Toybox Progression and XP Gain
ToyBox will now feature a scaling XP requirement to make leveling a more rewarding process for players
XP will now be awarded based on overall match performance
Added Daily Login XP Rewards
Log-in everyday to increase your streak and earn more XP
Added Daily First Match XP Bonus
Earn a 250xp Bonus for your first match every day
Migrated all Tickets, Perks, and Sabotages to backend storage
Dev Note: This was done to create a more reliable system for storing player information on different PCs. Every current player who updates to Phase 2 will receive an exclusive Gold Huggy Survivor skin to flaunt and 1350 tickets to jumpstart your Perk/Sabotage progress! (This offer lasts for 1 week after the launch of Phase 2.
Added Collage Puzzle
Added Three New Perks
Increases the speed of the marble that travels throughout the Maze Puzzle
Claw Collector
Increases the speed of the claw in the Claw Puzzle
Puzzle Picasso
Allows you to fail the Collage Puzzle up to three times per level without triggering the Fail condition
Rebuilt Survivor Tutorial
This Tutorial will expand upon the original and include a new Arcade where players can practice the Puzzles
Expanded Pre-Game Lobby with a new Arcade and Movement Course
Adjusted UI in the following locations
Main Menu
Added a tracking system for Daily Rewards
Moved some buttons to a standalone Options menu.
Pre-Game Lobby
Updated visuals
More intuitive Monster Queue system
Customization Menu
Added sections for Loading Screens and Soundpacks
Overhaul to general layout
Improved item previewing system
Model updates for new and previous character items
New model for Huggy and all skins that use the default model
New model for the default hand and all hands that use the default model
Updated player skin models for all the pride skins
Improved Mommy Long Legs materials
Animation updates
New Player idle animation
New Huggy idle animation
Revamped Monster Jumpscares
Each jumpscare now has unique animations for the monster POV, player POV, and third person POV
Jumpscares should be far more consistent and no longer feel dislocated
Added Penalty for Host Players who leave the game mid-match
Minor Additions[]
Added Streamer Mode to obscure player names
Added Selectable Loading Screens
Customizable Sound Packs
Chase Music
Lobby Music
Ambient Music
Survivor Sounds
Puzzle Sounds
Reworked the Train to be smoother and less erratic
Mommy Long Legs[]
Removed Mommy’s Web ability
Increased the duration of Mommy’s Spotter ability from 1.7 seconds to 3 seconds
Changed the default mapping for Mommy’s Grapple ability to Right Mouse Button
Increased the speed of Mommy’s Grapple by 80%
Added a Jump for Mommy mapped to the SPACEBAR
Dev Note: These changes are intended to standardize the kits for all Monsters. We are looking for potential ways to reimplement an improved version of Mommy’s Web ability in a future update.
Boxy Boo[]
Increase the charge time for Boxy’s Spring Jump ability from 1.5 seconds to 2.75 seconds
Perk Updates[]
Roly Poly
Now grants the player 2 Roll Charges, with higher tiers reducing the cool down of each roll charge
Shadow Walker
Now reduces the volume of player footstep sounds, with higher tiers making player footsteps more quiet
Punching Bag
Now grants the player a one hit shield from any source of damage, with higher tiers reducing the cool down of the shield
Now allows the player to make up to three mistakes when solving a Memory Puzzle code
Master Pianist
Now removes patterns from the beginning of the Piano Puzzle rather than from the end
Sabotage Updates[]
Sabotages will not begin their cool down until their active effects have ended
Boobytrap is the only expectation to this rule as it will begin to cool down after the first trapped pillar is triggered
Bug Fixes[]
Fixed a number of collision issues on all maps
Fixed the Bug that allowed Mommy to carry Survivors while grappling
Fixed the bug that causes Puzzle Pillars to spawn Toy Parts that have already been deposited
Fixed the bug that disabled the Friends Only option after a Host Migration