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Poppy Playtime Wiki
This article is about the soundtrack. You may have been looking for Project: Playtime.

Project: Playtime is a soundtrack album by Mob Entertainment, created for Project: Playtime. The official soundtrack was released on June 8, 2023, through MOB Records.

Track listing[]

No. Title Writers & Producers Length In-game
1. "In a Giant's House (Remastered)" Zachary Preciado 1:16 Plays in the main menu.
2. "I Could Wait Forever" Devin Cline 1:18 Plays when waiting in a multiplayer lobby.
3. "Countdown" Zachary Preciado 0:36 Plays during the monster selection screen when chosen for monster in a multiplayer game.
4. "In Harm's Way" Blake Butler 1:21 Plays when the monster is chasing a player.
5. "Now Boarding" Blake Butler 3:20 Plays when the train arrives at the end of the match.
6. "A Monster Approaches" Blake Butler 1:13 Plays when the monster is nearby a player.
7. "Left Behind" Zachary Preciado 0:21 Plays during the Specialist defeat screen.
8. "Massacre" Zachary Preciado 0:33 Plays during the monster victory screen.
9. "Retail Therapy" Blake Butler 1:16 Plays in the shop/Shoppy menu.
10. "Stage Fright" Blake Butler 5:27 Normal ambience during the Theater map.
11. "Factory of Dreams" Blake Butler 6:18 Normal ambience during the Factory map.
12. "Rust Belt" Blake Butler 4:00 Normal ambience during the Destroy-a-Toy map.
13. "At What Cost?" Blake Butler 0:43 Plays during the monster defeat screen.
14. "Safe at Last" Blake Butler 0:37 Plays during the Specialist victory screen.
15. "In Harm's Way (Breakcore Version)" Blake Butler 1:38 Plays when the monster is chasing a player.
16. "In Harm's Way (303 Version)" Blake Butler 1:28 Plays when the monster is chasing a player.
17. "Playtime Works" Blake Butler 4:44 Not heard anywhere in-game.
18. "Playtime Works (Lobotomy Version)" Blake Butler 4:52 Unused.
19. "Elevator Muzak" Corrina Chang 1:54 Plays in the main menu. Can be purchased in the Toybox.
20. "I Could Chill Forever" Corrina Chang 2:12 Plays in the main menu. Can be purchased in the Toybox.
21. "Waiting Game" Corrina Chang 2:02 Unknown.
22. "Whispered Warbling" Blake Butler 5:32 Normal ambience during the maps.
23. "Bone Chilling" Blake Butler 3:50 Normal ambience during the maps.
24. "Mommy? Sorry, Mommy? Sorry, Mommy?" Blake Butler 2:41 Originally would've played during April Fools, but it was ultimately scrapped.
25. "In an Angel's House" Ben Rooker 1:12 Plays during the main menu, while the Valentine's Day Extravaganza event was taking place.
26. "In a Jolly House" Zachary Preciado 1:16 Plays during the main menu, while the Holiday event was taking place.



The Game
Chapter 1: "A Tight Squeeze"Chapter 2: "Fly in a Web"Chapter 3: "Deep Sleep"Chapter 4: "Safe Haven"
Project: PlaytimePoppy Playtime: Forever
Poppy Playtime Ch. 1Poppy Playtime Ch. 2Poppy Playtime: Secret SoundtrackProject: PlaytimePoppy Playtime Ch. 3Collaboration SoundtracksPoppy Playtime Ch. 4
Monsters & Mortals CollaborationGamejolt CollaborationYoutooz CollaborationCG5 Collaboration Music
Chapter 1 Official TrailerChapter 2 Teaser TrailerChapter 2 Official TrailerChapter 3 Teaser TrailerProject: Playtime Official Gameplay TrailerChapter 3 Teaser Trailer 2Chapter 3 Official Game Trailer 1Chapter 3 Official Game Trailer 2Poppy Playtime Forever TrailerChapter 4 Teaser TrailerChapter 4 Trailer: YarnabyChapter 4 Trailer: Pianosaurus JingleChapter 4 Cinematic Trailer: The DoctorChapter 4 Gameplay Trailer: Doey the DoughmanChapter 4 Accolades Trailer
Playtime Co. Virtual Security SystemRowan Stoll's Computer DatabaseChapter 3 Interactable ARGChapter 4 Icepick ARG
Film AdaptationOrientation NotebookMerchandiseUpdate Patch LogUnused Content