Am I a real boy?
Playtime Co. Memorandum has not been given an official canon name, so this conjured name will currently be used until an official name will be revealed. |
Playtime Co. Memorandum was a document teased on Twitter after using the Employee Confidentiality Agreement to access Rowan Stoll's Computer Database. It served no purpose besides being used as a way to tease Project: Playtime while it was in development.
A letter written by Rowan Stoll on July 20, 1991 is sent to Securities' notifications. It empathizes issues regarding company security that Playtime Co. felt the need to address. Rowan addresses the recent issues with security leaking secrets to their peers or anybody outside of the company, and how as stated within Section 3, Page 42 of their disclosure agreement, is not permitted.
Rowan Stoll continues by explaining that in order to ensure these issues aren't happening anymore, Information Technology will sweep the Playtime Corporation computer database. This sweep will only take a few hours and will not affect workforce.
Rowan finalizes the announcement by directly quoting Elliot Ludwig as he talks about the feeling of safety and security when working for Playtime Co. The quote is the following, "Playtime Co. is my family. And family looks after one another." Rowan Stoll reminds employees that should they see someone breaking rules and putting others at risk, it's their duty to report it.
To: Playtime Co. Employees
From: Playtime Co. Information Technology
Subject: Security Notification
Date: 7/20/1991
Lately there have been issues regarding company security that we feel the need to address. While we like to keep it all fun and games at Playtime Co, employee confidentiality is something that we take very seriously.
Per the Non-Disclosure Agreement rules laid out in Section 3, Page 42 of the Playtime Co. employee handbook, any breach of confidentiality may result in termination or prosecution. Leaking sensitive secrets to your friends, the press, or authorities ruins the fun for everyone!
To ensure that we keep the spirit of honesty and integrity, Information Technology will be doing a thorough sweep of the Playtime Corporation computer database.
Luckily, this maintenance will be done outside of working hours, so there will be no impact on employee workflow.
Nobody cares about your safety and security more than us, and as our great founder Elliot Ludwig always said, "Playtime Co. is my family. And family looks after one another." Let's not forget that should you see someone breaking rules and putting others at risk, it's your duty to say something.
Playtime Co. reserves the right to view and delete any employee files, messages, and emails as the company deems fit. Deliberate attempts to prevent this search may result in disciplinary action. Honesty is the best policy!
Employees will be subject to questioning and investigation if appropriate.
Rowan Stoll Information Technology
It is strange that Rowan Stoll was writing the memorandum on July 20, 1991, when he was seen previously claiming that he was going to die on July 15, 1991 as seen on the Employee Confidentiality Agreement. It's also odd that Rowan Stoll would write this memorandum as his intentions at this time was to report Playtime Co. to the police. His motives were more personal than professional. It's possible that he wrote it under duress or a person aware of Rowan Stoll's death wrote the memorandum under his name. If the latter is true, then it shows that Playtime Co. kept his death a major secret to Playtime Co. employees, even keeping his name to use as a tool. Elliot Ludwig appears to no longer be around in 1991, as one of his quotes is in past tense.