The Chapter 4 Icepick ARG (otherwise referred to as Bruno White's Central Domain) was an alternate reality game made by Mob Entertainment to tease their fourth chapter to the Poppy Playtime franchise.
Click here to view the ARG website!
Command List[]
Press the Expand button if you want to view the following information.
start icepick.bat -- (Scraping Program)
c:\domain\network\globals.authenticator -- (Terminal)
cd c:/domain/documents -- (Terminal)
- wget ef_ygp -- (Get "ef_ygp")
cd /c:/domain/documents/effects/YGP -- (Terminal)
- wget photoscan_01 -- (Get "photoscan_01" file)
- wget photoscan_02 -- (Get "photoscan_02" file)
- wget photoscan_03 -- (Get "photoscan_03" file)
- wget photoscan_04 -- (Get "photoscan_04" file)
- wget photoscan_05 -- (Get "photoscan_05" file)
- wget photoscan_06 -- (Get "photoscan_06" file)
cd c:/domain/applications -- (Terminal)
- start PCSS.exe -- (Go to "Playtime Co. Virtual Security System")
Command "recover" - Password "1166"-- (Enter command anywhere in the terminal)
- Do the process 1 time -- (Get "archived_5b00" file)
- Do the process 3 times -- (Get "pr_1166" file)
- Do the process 5 times -- (Get "10-16-94-02" file)
Command "recover" - Password ""-- (Enter command anywhere in the terminal)
- Do the process 1 time -- (Get "findings" 1 file)
- Do the process 2 times -- (Get "findings" 2 file)
- Do the process 3 times -- (Get "findings" 3 file)
- Do the process 4 times -- (Get "findings" 4 file)
- Do the process 5 times -- (Get "findings" 5 file)
- Do the process 6 times -- (Get "findings" 6 file)
start subsyslogin -- (Terminal) bruno.white -- (Page 01 Log-In)
- OneBadDay -- (Page 01 Message)
First excerpt[]
On July 25, 2024, Mob Entertainment released the first video of The Story So Far series, a set of videos that recounted the events that occurred in Chapters 1 to 3. This video recapped the events of Chapter 1: "A Tight Squeeze". Halfway through the video, the footage briefly glitched and displayed a message to the audience: "IV ARG. Let the game begin." This marked the official confirmation that the development of the upcoming Chapter 4 ARG had begun. After the message and before the glitch ended, two frames appeared with a Base32 encoded message. The message said:
Once deciphered, the following excerpt was revealed:
« On felted feet and with bated breath
Sleep draws ever near »
Second excerpt[]
On August 26, 2024, the second video of the trilogy was published, which recounted the events of Chapter 2: "Fly in a Web". At the beginning of the video, a frame was briefly shown that had text in hexadecimal code, which said: "45 6C 65 76 65 6E 20 57 6F 72 64 73 20 47 6F 6F 64 20 4C 75 63 6B". When deciphered, this revealed the phrase: "Eleven Words Good Luck". This phrase implied that during the video, there were eleven hidden words that viewers had to find. Subsequently, several phrases in Caesar cipher were discovered throughout the video. Once deciphered, the following words were revealed:
- "gs tuz" → "am not" (6 letter shift)
- "rcvju" → "paths" (2 letter shift)
- "wxuqlqj" → "turning" (3 letter shift)
- "wn lmibp" → "of death" (8 letter shift)
- "gzy n" → "but i" (5 letter shift)
- "Pwfs" → "Over" (1 letter shift)
- "hmyhpk" → "afraid" (7 letter shift)
- "gpiev" → "clear" (4 letter shift)
When arranging the deciphered words using as the order number the number of letters in which you had to scroll, the following excerpt was formed:
« Over paths turning clear but I am not afraid of death »
Third excerpt[]
On September 16, 2024, at 1:00 PM EST, the third and final video of the trilogy was published, recapping the events of Chapter 3: "Deep Sleep". Towards the end of the video, two frames appeared, each displaying a binary code.
The first binary sequence read:
The second binary sequence read:
Decrypting the second code using the ASCII system revealed the phrase: "25x25". This clue suggested that an element should be structured on a 25x25 grid. By interpreting each "0" as a white pixel and each "1" as a black pixel, and organizing them into the specified grid, a QR code emerged. Scanning the QR code displayed a backwards-written excerpt, which, when reoriented, read:
« For we have already met »
The Poem[]
By combining the three excerpts in a ABBAC rhyme scheme, the following poem emerged:
« On felted feet and with bated breath,
sleep draws ever near
over paths turning clear.
But I am not afraid of death,
for we have already met. »
September 16th[]
Enigmatic Contact Reestablished[]
Roughly four hours after the final video was uploaded, the message "test" was posted on the official Poppy Playtime Discord server. The messenger was the account "Playtime Co.", which had laid dormant since they revealed Joel Sinclair's memo about the accident of Theodore Grambell in Leith Pierre's Computer Search. They asked for confirmation that the channel was secure. When users affirmed their question, the informant asked them to prove it by reciting the TSSF poem. They led with the first line: "On felted feet and with bated breath". Once players had typed in the last line, "For we have already met," the informant responded, stating "Indeed we have." (Further inquiries were made regarding the informant's identity, though this bore no fruit, with them only repeating that they had already met.) After a brief greeting, they requested a favor, sending an image of a document containing ciphers and a small drawing of a square spiral. The informant stated that more instructions would arrive, though they'd be invisible to the eyes. Once said instructions arrived, they requested users to "run icepick.bat on c:/domain/network/globals.authenticator".
October 4th[]
Warrenbach Construction Pamphlet: Central[]
On October 4, members of the Mob Entertainment Partners in Crime program received a pamphlet advertising the company Warrenbach Construction, who had worked with Eddie M.N. Ritterman to construct a secret lab back in Chapter 2: "Fly in a Web". The advertisement revealed the company was family-owned and had been founded in 1930, the same year Elliot Ludwig founded Playtime Co. Unfortunately, there were seemingly no clues related to the ARG. However, players recalled the informant's last message, which stated that future instructions would be invisible to the eye. Realizing they were referring to invisible ink, fans immediately used a black light on the paper. (Content creator and member BarneyGoose was the first to post his findings.[1]) This revealed that seven letters were highlighted:
C in "Construction".
E in "We".
N in "Owned".
T in "Operated".
R in "Warrenbach".
A in "And".
L in "Cleanly".
These letters spelled the word "central". During this time, fans were ultimately forced to wait until the next discovery, as further instructions were required.
Fans speculated that Warrenbach Construction also created the prison area in Chapter 4.
October 8th[]
Uncovering Domain[]
On October 8, content creator Sheeprampage revealed that not all pamphlets contained the same hidden message.[2] In his advertisement, six different letters were highlighted when he used a black light:
D in "Dirtiest".
O in "Worry".
M in "Family".
A in "Contact".
I in "Quickly".
N in "Cleanly".
These letters spelled the word "domain".
October 9th[]
Uncovering Access[]
On October 9, content creator Tericho[3] posted their letter online, which he had recently received. After shining a black light on the paper, he uncovered six letters that were highlighted:
A in "All".
C in "Warrenbach".
C in "Construction".
E in "Like".
S in "Small".
S in "Since".
These letters spelled the word "access". Fans (at the time) believed that these words would reveal a website URL once fully completed.
October 10th[]
Uncovering Net[]
On October 10, the next and final word was revealed in the Warrenbach Construction Pamphlet. After shining a black light on the paper, three highlighted letters were uncovered:
N in "Don't".
E in "Operated".
T in "Construction".
These letters spelled the word "net".
Scrap Command[]
With this final word, users realized that the four words given were a website URL. Combining the words in subsequent order revealed the website "". This led people to a gray computer monitor that allowed users to input commands while technical audio was looped repeatedly in the background. Recalling the advice of the informant, users used the command "start icepick.bat". After they entered the code, the computer initialized a scraping program, asking users to input the intended target to scrap.
After using the command "c:\domain\network\globals.authenticator" in the Scrap Program, players were granted access to a window named Terminal. (Behind the window was a 1980s-themed background and the Command Prompt icon from the previous ARG.) Having completed the informant's first set of instructions, users experimented with the former's command list, inputting the codes into the terminal. Through this method, they found (at the time) several prompts that elicited a response from the Terminal:
- ls = "c:"
- hostname = "CENTRAL DOMAIN"
- date = "2002-##-##" (The month(s), day(s), hour(s), minute(s), and second(s) are displayed in real time.)
- start = "ERROR: Command not recognized: undefined/(word after "start" comand)"
- wget = "File not found: undefined/(word after "wget" comand)"
- pwd = Shows the directory where the user is.
- help = "If you are experiencing technical difficulties, server issues, or need to reset your permissions, please contact"
- clear = Clears the terminal, leaving it blank.
- cd c: = Changed directory to "/c:".
- (other commands) = "Command not found: (entered word)"
After changing the directory to "/c:":
- ls = "domain"
- cd domain = Changed directory to "/c:/domain".
After changing the directory to "/c:/domain":
- ls = "network, documents, applications, desktop"
- cd network = Changed directory to "/c:/domain/network".
After changing the directory to "/c:/domain/network":
- ls = "globals.authenticator, guardrail, subsyslogin"
The next breakthrough, however, came from a computer prompt not listed in the document. When fans inputted "help", the Terminal replied with the message, "If you are experiencing technical difficulties, server issues, or need to reset your permissions, please contact". Players realized the contact was for an email account and reached out to them. Upon doing so, they received an automated response from Playtime IT. The email read, "Hello! We've processed your request for help, and our I.T. department will reach out to you as soon as they are able! As always, we appreciate your continued work on behalf of Playtime Co. and our much beloved products! With Appreciation, Playtime".
October 12th[]
Documents Directory[]
On October 12, Playtime IT reset access permissions for the "documents", "applications", and "desktop" directories in Terminal. With permissions enabled, users tried different keys to continue digging into the "documents" directory.
- cd documents = Changed directory to "/c:/domain/documents".
After changing the directory to "documents":
- ls = "effects, ef_ygp"
- cd effects = Changed directory to "/c:/domain/documents/effects".
- wget ef_ygp = Downloading "ef_ygp".
After changing the directory to "/c:/domain/documents/effects":
- ls = "YGP"
- cd YGP = Changed directory to "/c:/domain/documents/effects/YGP".
After changing the directory to "/c:/domain/documents/effects/YGP":
- ls = "photoscan_01, photoscan_02, photoscan_03, photoscan_04, photoscan_05, photoscan_06"
- wget photoscan_01 = Downloading "photoscan_01".
- wget photoscan_02 = Downloading "photoscan_02".
- wget photoscan_03 = Downloading "photoscan_03".
- wget photoscan_04 = Downloading "photoscan_04".
- wget photoscan_05 = Downloading "photoscan_05".
- wget photoscan_06 = Downloading "photoscan_06".
After running the "wget ef_ygp" command, users uncovered an image showing a form letter created by Elliot Ludwig. The letter was sent to a Young Geniuses Program (YGP) candidate, confirming their acceptance into the program and requesting them to be on standby for further instructions.
When accessing the "effects" directory, the Terminal revealed "YGP". Users navigated to it and found six files (photoscan_01 - photoscan_06). Using the "wget" command, they downloaded all six images.
The first image, obtained via "wget photoscan_01", featured a tattered memo for an old Playtime Co. initiative called the Young Geniuses Program (YGP), designed by Elliot Ludwig. Its purpose was to seek out the strongest and most intelligent young minds to help shape the future and "tackle the universe's most unanswerable questions."
The second image, retrieved via "wget photoscan_02", depicted a list of individuals with their skills recorded. This list was procured by Gerad Lockehart, a private investigator associated with Playtime Co., and was given to Leith Pierre, who used it to identify the best candidate to lead the Special Projects department. Dr. Harley Sawyer, listed as an ABNS-certified neurosurgeon with several years of practical experience, had caught Pierre's attention, as his name was circled.
Fans (at the time) speculated that the Young Geniuses Program marked the beginning of Playtime Co.'s experiments, specifically the ones that predated the Bigger Bodies Initiative. Additionally, they believed its purpose was to gather minds capable of creating and improving upon these experiments.
Applications Directory[]
After reloading the website, users tried different passwords to continue searching the "applications" directory.
- cd applications = Changed directory to "/c:/domain/applications".
After changing the directory to "/c:/domain/applications":
- ls = "PCSS.exe"
- start PCSS.exe = Starting "PCSS.exe".
Opening the Playtime Co. Virtual Security System (PCSS) revealed three camera feeds, though only the audio connection was online, resulting in static on the video feed. The CCTV Network icon appeared below the Command Prompt icon, and the Terminal window minimized. The audio recorded disturbing crackles and screeches from the three camera feeds:
- What is heard on ECB_03 is mainly static, but interspersed are loud low screeches and growls. At one point, an unusual sound plays, sounding akin to a startup sound. The growling resumes before a high pitched squeak is heard and the audio devolves back to static and ends.
- The audio on L_04 also consists of mainly static with a sound similar to a printer running briefly at the start. In the distance, something metallic can be heard falling. Towards the end of the audio, something crunches its way closer to the camera's mic, stopping for a short while before walking away and the audio ends.
- C_01's audio, again full of static, at first reveals something being put down roughly, then some banging going on in the background. Static plays before the banging resumes, now more rhythmic, before a loud crunch puts a stop to it. Then the random banging resumes and then fades before the audio ends.
October 14th[]
Photoscan 3 Decoded[]
On October 14, users uncovered an intriguing find regarding the Poppy eye close-up image (labeled photoscan_03 in the Terminal). When running the glitched portion of the image through a spectrogram, fans found an audio file of a phone bell ringing, which sounded similar to the Telephone noise heard in Chapter 3: "Deep Sleep" whenever Ollie called The Player.
October 15th[]
Photoscans 5 & 6 Decoded[]
On October 15, users solved the photoscan 5 image. By converting the corrupted image into an audio file, then converting back into text form, they uncovered a scrambled list of words:
- Enemy
- Heat
- Recent Series
- Me
- Eyes
- Pay
- 98
- Attention
- Liars
Arranging the words in the correct pattern (and adding context where necessary) revealed the message: "Recent series of emails: 98 liars. Enemy eyes on me. Pay attention to the heat".
It was also possible to decode the Photoscan 6 image by modifying the hexadecimal code of the photo file. The image revealed a figure resembling an elongated dinosaur-like creature, characterized by a mouth that mimicked the appearance of piano keys, multicolored horns, claws, spines, and a piano-like pattern running along its body and tail. Following this discovery (at the time), a user who referred to the figure as "Pianosaurus" on the official Poppy Playtime Discord server was banned by the moderators, as they deemed it a reference to a leaked article. Because of this, users (at the time) began referring to the creature as "Pianosaurus". Although several inquiries about the creature were submitted on the official Poppy Playtime Discord server, no responses were provided during that period.
October 16th[]
PCSS Window[]
On 16 October, there was a change in the audio signals of the three cameras in the PCSS window. The original audio signals were replaced by three new signals in each camera. Analysing these new signals using a spectrogram revealed three images, each showing a photograph of a location along with two distinct sets of digits.
- 38.449138, -90.349696 (ECB_03)
- 34.172343, -118.319609 (L_04)
- 43.86889, -70.2442 (C_01)
Fans immediately recognized these numbers as latitude and longitude coordinates, which meant they would have to travel to these locations, as the next clue would be found at the correct coordinates. (The developers would confirm this to be the case.[4])
After plugging the coordinates into Google Maps, having converted them from decimals to degrees, fans walked away with three locations:
- 38°26'56.9"N, 90°20'58.9"W → Arnold, Missouri
- 34°10'20.4"N, 118°19'10.6"W → Burbank, California
- 43°40'08.0"N, 70°14'39.9"W → Portland, Maine
Geocache Clue[]
Content creator Sheeprampage traveled to the spectrogram coordinates revealed in ECB_03, next to Arnold City Park, Missouri. and came across a metal lunchbox covered with Smiling Critters stickers. Upon opening the box, he discovered a single Huggy Wuggy plush, sewed up and bound in multicolored strands of yarn. Hidden inside the plush were two crinkled documents, which were new Game Station Test Subject Assessment Forms, addressing an orphan by the name of Quinn Navidson. The orphan was assigned the toy, "Yarnaby", and his two attempts were monitored by proctors Matteo Lata & Harley Sawyer, respectively.
The document written by Matteo Lata says that for Musical Memory, he scored a 3 out of 5 for performance as he made "several mistakes, but finished with roughly par time". For Wack-a-Wuggy, he scored a 2 as "his awareness and response time left a lot to be desired" & "frequently missed the target". And for Statues, he scored a 3 as he "completed the obstacle course within expected time, but lost once and was instructed to restart".
In the document written by Harley Sawyer, it states that Quinn scored a 1 for Musical Memory, because he was "unresponsive to the trial" and had "no apparent comprehension of the rules or goals". He was also "unable to complete the game and no attempt seemed to be made". For Wack-a-Wuggy, he scored a 4, as he "was able to outperform the previous runthrough, despite not being able to properly handle a GrabPack". However, he apparently "bit the heads off several of the stuffed toys used for the game". For Statues, Quinn scored a staggering 5, as he "completed the obstacle in under 20 seconds", but "ran back into the course when handlers attempted to remove him from the room" and "hid in the foam pit and could not be located for 15 minutes".
On the document, there was also a post-it note stuck to it, reading: "Can't find 1166's damn files. IT needs to get more organized. We need some sort of recovery command."
Recover Window[]
Thanks to the aforementioned post-it note, users were made aware of a "recover" command for the terminal. Entering it would redirect one to a download locked with a keyword. The keyword was found to be "1166", Yarnaby's supposed experiment number. When unlocked, the website would download a .zip file, named "bbi_1166 .zip", leading to a file folder, called "bbi_1166", containing a image file, named "archive_5b00", an image of a paper transcript dialogue between Dr. Sawyer & Quinn Navidson. This document was originally sent by the developers on their Discord server, until it replaced "pr_1166.png".
This dialogue most probably took place before the Game Station test marked by Harley Sawyer, as he references that he will mark Quinn's next test and that he didn't score much high performance marks on his previous one, marked by Matteo Lata, only scoring 8/15.
Originally, a different document about a "Prisoner Profile" with a censored photo on it would download from the "recover" command "bbi_1166 .zip" file, which had a file folder, named "bbi_1166", containing a .png file, named "pr_1166.png".
October 28th[]
Sawyer Evidence[]
On October 28, the "1166" keyword was rendered ineffective for the recovery screen. (Thankfully, players could access that content again by typing "recover bbi" into the Terminal.) Meanwhile, the informant resurfaced on the official Poppy Playtime Discord server, under the guise of their "Playtime Co." account. They informed users about a hidden message newly implemented into the website, hinting that they were "making noise". Interpreting the informant as referring to audio, the users checked the PCSS window and discovered that the original audio signals from all three cameras had returned, replacing the previous audio signals. However, camera C_01 had subtle alterations in its audio signal compared to its original version. Said changes were a series of taps heard throughout the feed, which fans recognized as a tap code:
.. . .. .... ... ... . .... / .... ... . . ..... .. ..... .... . ..... .... .. / . ..... ..... . .. .... . .... . ..... ... ... . ... . ..... / ..... ... / ..... ..... .. .... ... .....
Decrypting it gave the message "find". Inputting "" as a keyword for the Recover window, followed by "find" as a prompt, presented users with a ZIP file named "". Repeating the command prompt at least five times revealed five additional ZIP files. Each ZIP file held a single document labeled "findings", which contained photos of small, ripped pieces of different documents. Said fragments had been mixed, separated, and rotated in a similar fashion to a jigsaw puzzle.
Soon after, fans rotated, separated, aligned, and assorted the fragments by relevance, assembling six different documents:
- The first document was of a written incident report by Brendan, a young Playtime Co. employee who worked in the Tourist department. Said report concerned a tour group under his watch, implying that they were grievously injured and/or killed during an unspecified date in 1993. Brendan, still traumatized by what transpired, was unsure of what caused the incident and begged his superiors not to hold him accountable.
- The second document was of a letter from Leith Pierre to Harley Sawyer, detailing the first interaction between the two men. In the letter, Leith reveals his knowledge about Harley's neurosurgeon experience and former involvement in the late Elliot Ludwig's Young Geniuses Program. He invites the doctor to meet him outside Playtime on January 15, 1990 and states that he has a job opening that would greatly benefit from Sawyer's skill set - presumably referring to Special Projects and the early experiments.
- The third, fourth, and fifth documents were of experiment results written by Harley Sawyer on behalf of Special Projects. Said notes concerned Experiments 1015, 1026 and 1160, respectively. While 1015 and 1026 perished - due to the department's (at the time) inexperience with "neuronal reactivation" - and ultimately deemed failures, 1160 was their first success. Harley remarked that 1160 provided much promise to their work and would be the first of their "bigger bodies". (The last statement finally confirmed that Boxy Boo was Experiment 1160.)
- The final document was of a informal note written by an employee working in the cafeteria. The employee requests in their letter that their coworker bring them a sandwich for lunch, while also warning them about Harley Sawyer's food preferences.
Eye Message[]
Following the release of Chapter 4 Trailer: Yarnaby, Mob Entertainment released a post containing a single eye emoji, seemingly referencing the ominous eye seen in the aforementioned trailer. (Interestingly, the computer that the eye appeared on was the exact same model as the Icepick ARG's.)
November 7th[]
Subsyslogin Command[]
On November 7, Mob Entertainment posted a message on the social network X, teasing players with a suggestion to wishlist Chapter 4 on Steam under the following phrase:
"you should totally Wishlist Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 on Steam
or so I heard 👁️".[5]
Upon visiting the Steam page, fans discovered a command in the page description of the "Features" section that said: "start subsyslogin". By entering this command in the "/c:/domain/network" directory, a new request appeared:
Enter username:"
When trying to carry out the procedure, with the PCSS window open, a message appeared that said: "ERROR: Please try the 'start subsyslogin' command on a different page other than the PCSS camera pages."
A few minutes later, Mob Entertainment responded to the previous message, indicating that an unknown communicator had infiltrated the official Poppy Playtime Discord server:
"wait... there's a mysterious communicator in the official discord 👁️".[6]
At the same time, the informant reached out to users and warned them that their position could be compromised. When users asked who was behind this intrusion, the tipster responded by saying that they had "drawn the system's attention" but were not sure how much he knew. It was revealed that a third party had taken control of the company's IT support email. The tipster advised players to take advantage of this situation, as the system had not yet fully understood what was happening or who was responsible.
Logging In and Page01[]
Now that they knew that email support was under new management, players contacted the account once again. While they received a number of responses related to their questions, none provided a useful username. In parallel, some developers present on the official Poppy Playtime Discord Server (at the time) began to make significant changes to their profiles. These modifications included using the Zalgo font, replacing their names with colour blocks, adding eye emojis and changing their profile banners to different coloured backgrounds.
Finally, all elements of their profiles, including images and banners, adopted an all-white scheme. Players quickly associated the change with Playtime Co. scientist Dr. Bruno White. In addition, the username of one of the developers who had updated his profile with these features changed to "admin" revealing that White was the owner of the computer.
After reaching this conclusion, the players contacted the account again, which eventually confirmed that the administrator of the account was Bruno White. He also provided previously unknown information about the scientist and revealed that the username required to log into the terminal was: "bruno.white". Upon entering this username, players were taken to a new window entitled "Page01", which was similar in design to the interface of the "Recover" window. To proceed, the system prompted users to enter a password.
Returning to the third party, users asked him if he knew White's password, to which he denied. He assumed it would be a sarcastic jab at the first person, given their bitter relationship with the late doctor. Furthermore, the contact hinted that Dr. White's password would not be creative, as he often simply repeated his words while they spent time together. Since Sawyer's temperament on trivial matters had been mentioned earlier in two separate documents (Sandwich Note and Photoscan 4), fans thought the password would be in one of them. In Photoscan 4, they noticed a phrase that was repeated twice and underlined with red ink: "one bad day." By entering this phrase as "OneBadDay" as the password for "Page01", it unlocked and revealed a black background with a cryptic red message.
"He asked if I still dream.
Why? This changes nothing.
A broken leash. Caskets.
I do.
What became of her?
Theater incident
It’s strange, the things that linger."
November 8th[]
Incident Folder[]
On November 8, players discovered that the phrase "Theater incident" in Page 1's message was hyperlinked. Clicking the hyperlink downloaded a ZIP file named "incident". Inside the ZIP file was a file folder. And inside that folder were five images and a document.
- The first image, named "El ygp 021", shows a document related to the Young Geniuses Program. The author, most likely Elliot Ludwig, records his observations of a young Harley Sawyer and praises his mental brilliance, believing he will "lead science into the future".
- The second image, named "Theatre 01", shows a slightly burnt and bloody Huggy Wuggy toy, with his eyes removed and his left leg and right hand partially burned off.
- The third image, named "Theatre 02", shows one of the Theater's projectors, broken and burnt.
- The fourth image, named "Theatre 03", shows a burnt Candy Cat toy.
- The fifth image, named "Theatre 04", shows an object burned beyond recognition.
- The document, named "warning", shows a torn, fragmented page of a biology textbook. A message is written on the fragments, with the writer (presumably Harley Sawyer) voicing their fury about being betrayed by Elliot Ludwig. Additionally, a silhouette is seen in the center of the document, with fans pointing out that it resembles a jester.
Fans (at the time) speculated that the Theater images were connected to Brendan's incident report. Others had thought it was related to Boxy Boo killing Rowan Stoll.
November 15th[]
Informant Lost[]
On November 15, the informant resurfaced on the official Poppy Playtime Discord server. They informed users that they had left new instructions for users, repeating their previous clue about "making noise". However, their profile image suddenly changed to the ominous system eye, revealing it had finally found and overtaken the informant's account. Having discovered who had been accessing the Central Domain, the system warned users to "stay out", as this would be their only warning.
Maze: Document[]
Following this warning, players found the login page had disappeared completely, with Page 1 becoming the main page. Several words were hyperlinked, and clicking the hyperlinks would lead to different pages, essentially a maze of sorts. Players who clicked on the word "dream" and then "it" on the next page found an intriguing discovery: the third page's word "find" had a blue hyperlink. Clicking the link took users to a message with a phrase written below it: "sx009". Adding the text at the end of the website link led to another message; this time, two words had blue hyperlinks, "A good trick. Sometimes where we keep something is more important than the thing we keep. innovation is Key."
After interacting with the words "where", "you're", "order" and "holes" in sequential order, fans found another phrase: "fm3400". Inputting the text into the website link led to a page containing one hyperlinked word: "No". Instead of leading to another page, a document (named "673413ff760b14ddc45aeac4_Letter") was downloaded when users interacted with the hyperlink. This letter was written by Elliot Ludwig and addressed to Harley Sawyer, who the former had remorsefully removed from his Young Geniuses Program. Ludwig cited Sawyer's "lack of humility" and ambitious obsession with results - solely for science's sake than humanity's - as the primary reasons for his removal.
Maze: Phone Number[]
After uncovering the document, players began highlighting the different pages, looking for hidden letters, numbers, or phrases that could lead to more findings. Through this process, fans uncovered ten different numbers: (*Note: The "kja" and "jdja" branches' numbers were already revealed.)
"kja" branch → 8
"rwk" branch → 0
"qauaj" branch → 6
"rcpaa" branch → 0
"tksp" branch → 3
"adbcr" branch → 5
"tdua" branch → 6
"raj" branch → 7
"jdja" branch → 9
"qdx" branch → 4
After uncovering this series of numbers, fans were initially unsure what order they had to put them in. Fortunately, one of the developers posted a clue on the official Poppy Playtime server, stating a specific cipher was involved.[7] With this clue in mind, players realized that the URLs of the branches with the numbers ended in strange and incomprehensible words. (The maze's other URLs ended with words like "eye" or "clarity".) Upon closer inspection, users deduced that the words were created under a Keyed Caesar Cipher, which would require a specific keyword to decode. Since the message "Innovation is Key" had been repeated numerous times in the maze, fans suspected this was their answer. Inputting "innovation" as the keyword revealed ten comprehensible words:
"kja" → "one"
"rwk" → "two"
"rcpaa" → "three"
"tksp" → "four"
"tdua" → "five"
"qdx" → "six"
"qauaj" → "seven"
"adbcr" → "eight"
"jdja" → "nine"
"raj" → "ten"
With the order revealed, fans put the numbers together - corresponding to the numbers revealed in the branches - and realized that they formed a phone number: (800) 364-6597. Calling this number played a recording of a meeting between Leith Pierre, Stella Greyber and Eddie M.N. Ritterman. During this meeting, they discuss a catastrophic and soon-to-be highly confidential event that occurred within the premises of Playtime Co. (Said event is heavily implied to be the Theatre Incident.) The phone call ends with Gerad Lockehart interrupting the higher-ups' meeting, revealing the perpretator responsible for the tragedy was Harley Sawyer.
November 19th[]
Connection Terminated[]
On November 19, the website was updated again. However, rather than adding new content, users were met with a blank computer monitor, with the website page titled "terminalend". Thus, users could no longer access the ARG website, leaving all content previously revealed to be lost media.
Although the ARG's conclusion has been confirmed by a developer via the offical Discord server,[8] two final files could be accessed from the page. On the top left-hand side of the page, users noticed two Google Drive URLs spaced apart: "". The first link led to a corrupted image with an eye and the word "WERE" faintly seen. When users converted the image into a text file, they discovered a message hidden amongst the image's code, "WITH REGARDS, SAWYER". This message revealed that Harley Sawyer sent the image file. However, by modifying the hexadecimal code of the photo file to remove the glitchy aspects, a spiked silhouette, the onimous and enigmatic eyeball, and the message "YOU WERE WARNED" were now visible.
The second link led to an MP3 file named "recording.mp3", which was an audio-enhanced version of the Incident Aftermath phone call recording. (Mob would also post this recording on Twitter/X the very next day.[9]) Though this decision initially seemed redundant, users noticed two changes absent from the phone call version. At the beginning of the recording, players could hear someone nervously shifting around in their seat. And at the end of the recording, a high-pitched sound is heard. Running the high-pitched sound clip through a spectogram reveals the message: "ο βαπρδςσξ νων δψμ". The message, having been written using the Greek alphabet, roughly translated to "the baptism of fire".[10]
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- ↑ NOTE: The translation revealed depends on the software used. Some translation website gave "the baptism of fire", others gave "the father of the child".